
0 | Interview Jedi Beginner Course | Algorithms & Data Structures

Mark Lesson Complete

Lesson 0 | Who is this course for?

This course covers the fundamental data structures and algorithms required to succeed in your technical career and interviews.

It has a strong focus on passing coding interviews for software engineering jobs in top tech companies from Silicon Valley and worldwide.

This course is for you
  • if you are a beginner or a professional who needs a refresher;
  • if you are trying to switch careers (especially for you!);
  • if you want to improve your coding and system design skills;
  • if you want to better understand how computers work and how to design programs efficiently;
  • if you want to better prepare yourself for the future by mastering core computer science fundamentals.
Why WeetCode?

We were in your shoes. We know how you feel and what you need when you are at a short interview notice and running out of time.

Don't worry, we'll help you to come prepared.

We are going to start with some easy and most common algorithms and data structures that you need for a codding interview.

Then, step-by-step, we are going to cover more and more algorithms and data structures, help you master your skills and apply them to new problems.

We are going to explain you common patterns, discuss pros and cons of different algorithms, choose the right and most appropriate data structures, analyze running time and space complexity.

So, you are in good hands :)

Topics Covered
  • Big O
  • Arrays
  • Binary Search
  • Linked List
  • Hashing
  • Two Pointers
  • Sliding Window
  • Tree
    • Binary Tree
    • Depth-First Search (DFS)
    • Breadth-First Search (BFS)
  • Backtracking
  • Bonus
    • Code Templates
    • Interview
    • Cheatsheets
  • (... and stay tuned for more content to come! ...)

Let's get started!

Mark Lesson Complete